
OXYDAY is a food supplement of vegetal extracts of Chokeberry, Maqui and Pomegranate, with Coenzime Q10. Chokeberry, Maqui and Pomegranate have an antioxidant action; furthermore, Chokeberry promotes the body’s natural defenses and provides a supportive and restorative action.

Mode of use: 

1 tablet a day.


Chokeberry, Maqui, Pomegranate, Coenzyme Q10.


30 tablets (450 mg)


Product Code: 

LABORATORI E PRODUZIONE Tel. 039.883254/55 - Fax 039.883688
UFFICI COMMERCIALI Tel. 039.882144 R.A. - Fax 039.884343

Gricar Chemical S.r.l. • Via San Giuseppe, 18/20 • CAP: 20861 • Brugherio • MB
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