


COMPOSITE CREAM CALENDULA  is characterized by the presence of Marigold, a plant native to North Africa. This plant is recommended as a cosmetic coadjutant for skins that are particularly sensitive, dehydrated and prone to cracking and reddening. Thanks to its properties, Marigold provides an eudermic function. 

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COMPOSITE CREAM PROPOLI contains Propolis glycolic extract. Propolis is a resinous mixture obtained from honeybees, which use it as a sealant for small gaps in the hive. Its composition varies depending on the sources of resin. The substance is well known for its benefits and various properties, both for food and for cosmetic products, like: regenerating, photoprotective and antioxidant.


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COMPOSITE CREAM HARPAGO is a product with Devil’s claw, a plant native to the Kalahari Desert and Southern African regions. It is traditionally used by the locals for its particular characteristics and properties, because it can assist the physiological joint function.

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