Propolis BaGocce Analcoliche Baby (Analcoholic Drops)

PROPOLIS GOCCE BABY is a food supplement of Propolis with Honey and extracts of Coneflower, Marsh mallow and Licorice, with raspberry flavor, very palatable to children. Propolis is produced by MAEF™ method, a process of high efficiency maceration, to manufacture a concentrated, purified and dewaxed extract. Coneflower promotes the natural defense of the body; Marsh mallow supports the functions of the respiratory mucosa. Finally, Licorice is useful for nose and throat wellness and for fluidifying bronchial secretions.

Mode of use: 

20 drops three times a day during main meals dissolved in water or other beverage, or 15 drops on a sugar cube.


Propolis, Royal Jelly, Honey, Vitamin C, Coneflower, Marsh mallow, Licorice, Essential Oils.


50 ml

Product Code: 

LABORATORI E PRODUZIONE Tel. 039.883254/55 - Fax 039.883688
UFFICI COMMERCIALI Tel. 039.882144 R.A. - Fax 039.884343

Gricar Chemical S.r.l. • Via San Giuseppe, 18/20 • CAP: 20861 • Brugherio • MB
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