
IodioMax is a food supplement based on Iodine suggested in cases of deficiency or increased nutritional needs of these nutrients. Iodine contributes to normal thyroid hormone production, normal thyroid function, and the normal function of the nervous system. 

Mode of use: 

take 1 tablet per day, to be swallowed with water.


 Ingredienti per dose (1cpr): agenti di carica: Cellulosa microcristallina, Fosfato dicalcico; agenti antiagglomeranti: carbossimetilcellulosa sodica reticolata, Sali di magnesio degli acidi grasi, biossido di silicio; Potassio ioduro 225 mcg (150%VNR).

LABORATORI E PRODUZIONE Tel. 039.883254/55 - Fax 039.883688
UFFICI COMMERCIALI Tel. 039.882144 R.A. - Fax 039.884343

Gricar Chemical S.r.l. • Via San Giuseppe, 18/20 • CAP: 20861 • Brugherio • MB
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