Drenaplus Forte

DRENA PLUS FORTE is a food supplement made of a mix of 16 plants with Magnesium, Potassium, Vitamin B6 and Chromium. Orthosiphon, Burdock, Birch, Dandelion, Green tea, Sweet clover, Chicory, Fennel, Pilosella, Black currant and Bearberry support body fluid draining. Centella counteracts the unsightly appearance of cellulite and heavy legs, supporting, in synergy with Sweet clover, the microcirculation. Guaranà supports body weight balance. Artichoke, together with Birch and Dandelion, support body cleansing. Magnesium contributes to electrolyte balance.

Mode of use: 

2,5 measuring cups (50 ml) to dilute in 500 ml of water and drink throughout the day.


Vitamin B6, Magnesium, Potassium, Chromium, Centella, Pilosella, Guarana, Birch, Orthosiphon, Dandelion, Green tea, Plum, Chicory, Fennel, Black currant, Bearberry, Cola, Burdock, Artichoke, Sweet clover.


500 ml

Product Code: 

LABORATORI E PRODUZIONE Tel. 039.883254/55 - Fax 039.883688
UFFICI COMMERCIALI Tel. 039.882144 R.A. - Fax 039.884343

Gricar Chemical S.r.l. • Via San Giuseppe, 18/20 • CAP: 20861 • Brugherio • MB
© 2006-2016 Gricar Chemical S.r.l. - P.IVA 00725340962
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