
Psoractive Sali Re-Mineralizzati del Mar Morto (Re-Mineralizing Dead Sea Salts)

PSORACTIVE SALI RE-MINERALIZZATI (RE-MINERALIZING DEAD SEA SALTS) is a cosmetic with Dead Sea Salts, vitamins and vegetal extracts, which helps with hygiene and treatment of the skin, prone to Psoriasis, Hyperkeratosis or Desquamation. The products are also indicated for the treatment of relapses or in combination with cortisone medicament. The proper match of the different products allows a global treatment.

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Psoractive Shampoo Antidesquamativo (Anti-desquamation)

(ANTI-DESQUAMATION) is a cosmeticwith Dead Sea Salts, vitamins and vegetal extracts, which helps with hygiene and treatment of the skin, prone to Psoriasis, Hyperkeratosis or Desquamation. The products are also indicated for the treatment of relapses or in combination with cortisone medicament. The proper match of the different products allows a global treatment.


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